Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Where Did The Concept of Transitional Objects Originate?
Here at Sassy Baby we’re developing toys for babies and toddlers and continually learning about the amazing growth and developmental aspects of play and attachment. One Sassy Doctor has received various questions regarding blankets (think “Linus” from the Peanuts cartoon!), pacifiers and soft toys—these are commonly referred to as transitional or comfort objects.
Our product development team and I learned quite a bit about the developmental and psychological foundations of transitional/comfort objects in writing these posts, and we hope you find them as interesting as we did here at Sassy Baby! In today’s post, we’ll explore the developmental and psychological foundations of this concept and explore some super cool historical information.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
My Baby Has Periodic Red Cheeks, What Does That Mean?
Anchorette P: My son recently had a minor injury and needs to take antibiotics for a week to prevent infection but it's such a fight, he refuses the spoon, tube and won't eat food if we try mixing it, any ideas?
Anchorette, you’re describing a very common problem in treating babies and young children with antibiotics. Sometimes, the texture of the medication or the taste are simply yucky, and we need to be clever, Sassy parents getting it down!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Does My Baby's Rosy Cheeks Mean He's Teething?
Sarah W: My son is 6 months old and I suspect starting to teethe. Are periodic bright red cheeks (with no fever) an indicator? Also, he does not put any toys in his mouth, just chews/gums on his hand. I offer him teething rings, rusks, even frozen waffles but he won't put them in his mouth. That surprised me, I thought all babies put anything you handed to them in their mouths! Will he start doing this eventually? Or do some babies just prefer hands/fingers/wrists and not ever chew on toys?
We have addressed teething in previous postings and some of the behaviors you describe most certainly describe this stage of development. In fact, we develop products here at Sassy Baby Toys for teething, but not all children act the same way in terms of comfort. You describe hand grawing—which may lead to rashes and discomfort. Consider behavioral modifications such as removing the hand from mouth and giving a teether that is cold with some texture.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
What Is Early Intervention?
Anonymous: I am worried about my child’s language development and was told by my pediatrician that he is going to refer for “Early Intervention”. What is this?
The early intervention concept was first created by the United States Congress in 1986 under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It provides funding to all 50 states in the United States. States have different criteria for eligibility that depend on various factors. Children who qualify must be under 3 years of age and have a confirmed developmental delay, as defined by parameters the state established. Delay may be in one of the following areas of development: physical, cognitive, communication, social-emotional and/or adaptive.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Comparing Language Development of Twins—What Is Expected At 20 Months?
Sydney W: I have twenty-month-old twin boys. One is a chatterbox, and says at least 10 words. The other? Gibberish. No discernible words at all. When should I be concerned about this?
Hi there Sydney and thanks for the great question. You’ve actually raise two terrific issues we can explore here on the One Sassy Doctor blog: one about comparing the development of twins and the other about what a 20 month old’s traditional speech and language development would be.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
When Is the Best Age For Toilet Training?
Reves' F: When is the best age for toilet training?
Great question, Reves'!
We’ve actually found it as one of the most common questions presented to us! You asked when the best age is for toilet training. We have one answer for you before giving you some helpful behavioral tips:You’ll know it when your child is ready! There is no “best age”. Some toddlers train by 18 months, and some take up to 3 years of age. If training issues extend beyond this, it’s good to talk through the particulars with your pediatrician.
Friday, May 4, 2012
What Is the Best Way to Handle Cradle Cap?
Angela M: What is the best way to handle cradle cap?
Thanks for the question, Angela. “Cradle Cap” is a common skin condition in small babies—fortunately it’s harmless and, with the right care, can most often be treated easily.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Why Do Babies Put Objects In Their Mouth?
Brittney M: My daughter is 15 months and she puts EVERYTHING in her mouth and has been ever since she found her mouth! When she does I'll tell her "No, that's yucky" and she'll sometimes listen and not put whatever it is in her mouth. But I feel like I'm chasing her around all the time pulling things out of her mouth... I can wait for her to grow but I can't wait for her to grow out of this stage!! Any idea when that will be?
What a fantastic question! It allows us to explore several interesting topics, so a super Sassy thank you!