
Monday, December 5, 2011

One Sassy Grandma – Holiday Toy Safety Post #1

Choosing safe toys for your baby or toddler isn’t just about product labels and age recommendations. We need to understand each child’s developmental level, the play environment and how these factors play into toy selection—a child with developmental challenges, for example, may require toys with capability features specific to their needs.

One super important element to toy safety is the “grandmother effect.” This is as looming as a fork in a light socket (well, kind of a dramatic analogy, but you get the drift). Parents must be super vigilant hawks when it comes to presents received by others.

Here’s my story: One Sassy Doctor (me, Dr. Jen) is the daughter of One Sassy Mother (aka – my mom) who is One Sassy Grandmother to my 4 kids and 5 nieces & nephews (Shout out to you pookies!). I love this woman to pieces, and so do my kids. We affectionately call her Grandma Bunny (Her first name is Bonni), and we’ve hopped around having fun for a long time. One Sassy Grandma is also a bargain-dollar-store-kinda-lady. I’m all for a discount coupons and saving the buckeroos, but this could present a major safety issues for babies & toddlers. There were times when I smiled and said thank you and then … toys went right into the garbage pail—purely because of my safety concerns. Please don’t forward this to One Sassy Grandma!

I love you, One Sassy Grandma and please pick up a polka dot striped bikini with stick out flowers on the tush next time you go to the dollar store, ok? I could also use 4,000 clothespins. :)