
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dr. Jen’s Sassy Foods: Sweet Potatoes

Let’s get this out of the way early on in my blogging: I love to cook. I am a great cook (as opposed to being a “great” singer), but I don’t measure. I am not a professional chef, and I use some silly words to describe what I do in the kitchen.

I’m going to share some of “Dr. Jen’s Sassy Foods” on this blog. This means:
     Adaptable – for baby (over 6 months!) & parent(s)
     Super Healthy
     Super Affordable

One super duper SASSY food is sweet potatoes! This is a great first food for baby and a fabulous nutritious and easy food for mom & dad. For older kids, think healthy sweet potato baked fries!

I suggest waiting until six months to start solid foods in small babies or between 4-6 only if your pediatrician has given the thumbs up.

I made horrible sweet potatoes when I first got married. Hard, wet, yick!

My mother-in-law, Nana Jane, taught me her magic trick:
  1. Wash potatoes with light brush. 
  2. Poke with fork all over the potato. 
  3. Bake on a pan at 375 degrees for 1 hour (no tinfoil, no oil, just plain). 
  4. Once soft and squishy, you have the perfect sweet potato! 
For baby: Puree!

For mom & dad: Add a little salt & pepper, or make it even sassier with some maple syrup or low-fat Greek yogurt!