
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Touch & Play

Your baby's sense of touch is getting better. The sense of touch is most developed in their lips and gradually develops to your baby’s arms and legs.

Provide colorful objects of different textures, shapes and sizes for your infant to hold and explore. This is a good age to introduce an infant gym with interesting objects that dangle for your baby to bat at. Or hold a toy just out of reach for your baby to reach for, swat and grab hold of. Just don't string up toys on cribs or other baby equipment — your baby could get tangled in them. An infant gym will also provide a soft textured surface for baby to learn to roll over on as she gets a little older.

Around six months, your baby will be able to explore more details of these toys, especially as she develops the ability to pick things up with her thumb and forefinger, which is also called the pincer grasp. This helps the baby to be able to play more easily with toys that include movable parts and discover how to manipulate them.

This is also a great time to start playing games like hide and seek. Hide your baby’s favorite toy under a small blanket and giggle with her as she starts to search for it. Do the same thing by hiding your face and making a silly face and congratulating her every time she “finds” you again.

At times your baby will have had enough stimulation. Watch for signs that your little one might be over stimulated and ready for a break. These signs might be that your baby is turning away from toys or objects or getting fussy or making uncomfortable faces in response to stimulus.

One Sassy Doctor recommends: